Scott has been the voice of Santa Claus for over four decades – in radio & TV commercials, animations, in-store PA recordings, message-on-hold & voicemail, and corporate & business e-greeting videos. Plus, you know those musical Christmas light shows in so many neighborhoods across the globe? Often, Scott acts as Santa’s voice between songs. And we cannot forget about the ‘phone Santa’ apps and services that have featured Scott’s Santa voiceovers!
Scott developed his Santa voice when he was a child, basing his rendition of the jolly old elf on Rankin/Bass’ Santa voice (Stan Francis) in the TV special “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” By the time he was a teenager, his Santa voice was already featured in radio commercials.
These days, Scott even gets into the complete Santa Claus garb for videos as well as special surprises for local children. Although he does many other voices, especially in video games and animations, Santa Claus will always be Scott’s favorite.
If you would like to get in touch with Scott, tap the Contact tab in the menu above and send him a message. He will get back to you faster than Santa sliding down the chimney!